Swax Lax Lacrosse

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Why You Should Send Your Child to Swax Lax Lacrosse Camp

Why should you send your child to Swax Lax Lacrosse camp?

Short answer: The coaching staff.

A few years ago, I wrote a blog bragging about how great the staff at Swax Lax Lacrosse (then Sum It Up Lacrosse) was. In it, I mentioned all the great schools and universities these young men and women were attending. We had Ivy League, Service Academies, Big Ten, ACC, Big East, Patriot, NESCAC, Centennial schools all represented. It was impressive, and pretty amazing.

Well, that was a few years ago. These young coaches have gotten older, and unlike myself they have gotten even better. They have graduated. They have moved on with their lives and have begun careers and families. Yet they continue to impress.

Our former coaching staff include:

  • All State Players.

  • State Champions.

  • All-American Players. Both High School and College.

  • National Champions. Both Division I and Division III.

  • Professional Players. (One even has a trading card, which he signed for me.)

  • We have teachers, entrepreneurs, lawyers, bankers, traders, sales people, consultants, executives, and small business owners.

  • We even have a color analyst on ESPN.

Not too shabby. But that’s not all. Our former coaches also include real heroes:

  • Doctors,

  • Nurses,

  • Fireman,

  • EMTs, and 

  • Military Personnel (Air Force, Marines).

We have always had former campers move up and become part of our staff. This was special and makes me feel old. But what really is making me feel good and kind of validated, is that we are starting to see our former staff sending their kids to Swax Lax Lacrosse.

If you send your child to Swax Lax Lacrosse none of these people will be coaching them. They have all moved on. But young men and women just like them will be there. Teaching and sharing their passion for the game of lacrosse, and for life.